Friday, March 3, 2017

What if...

Happy Friday Everyone! 

16 days til Spring & 110 days til Summer!!
A lot can happen in 110 days, .. and even in 16 days! 

My husband and I are starting our very first 
30 Days to Healthy Living Challenge with Arbonne 

A little nervous.. but I also know changes/challenges in our life make us nervous at times and that's okay. It's the unknown, the what if's.. but turning those what ifs into positive thoughts.. can bring the nerves way down! Imagine this.. What if I succeed? What if I feel better? What if I lose inches? What if I have more energy? What if I have more time? What if! Right?! 

Let me ask you this, where do you see yourself in 110 days? Same? better? worse? 
What habits are creating today for a better YOU tomorrow? 

Life isn't easy, in fact, it can be super tough and even brutal.. what are you doing to protect yourself? 
I know for me, praying on the Armor of God, Ephesians 6: is crucial. Do I forget? yes? Do I just give up and never pray it on again? No. I'm not perfect, and you'd probably agree that neither are you. Mistakes are going to happen. It's what we do in the moment, that makes a difference. Do we give up? Do we think negative thoughts? Do we rise and work harder? 

I want to challenge you to rise to writing down your goals this weekend.
     (The Importance of writing down your goals. Click here )

Whether it's waking up 15 minutes earlier, reading a book, going to a new place, whatever your goal. Make it happen and reward yourself when the goal is achieved with something positive! But if you're goal is to eat healthier this weekend, don't reward yourself with a dozen Krispy Kreme doughnuts. 😉

 So what are you waiting for?!

Make it a great day!, 


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